Email flakey today?
(too old to reply)
Dave (Sgt. Pepper)
2005-02-11 13:32:04 UTC
What on earth is going on with Virgin's email service today. I'm on
broadband and email is usually very quick. Earlier this morning it took an
age to download a dozen or so emails, and just hung totally at one point.
I've just tried downloading two more and it just froze. A moment ago I
tried sending one and I got a report saying the connection with the server
had been terminated, even though it appears in the Sent Items box. Are
Virgin suffering a server problem or a spam bombardment I wonder?
Dave (Sgt. Pepper) Epsom, England
Nikon D2H / D100 / Coolpix 5700 / Canon Ixus 400 / Paintshop Pro 8
My photo galleries at http://www.pbase.com/davecq
Jim Scott
2005-02-11 14:12:44 UTC
Post by Dave (Sgt. Pepper)
What on earth is going on with Virgin's email service today. I'm on
broadband and email is usually very quick. Earlier this morning it took an
age to download a dozen or so emails, and just hung totally at one point.
I've just tried downloading two more and it just froze. A moment ago I
tried sending one and I got a report saying the connection with the server
had been terminated, even though it appears in the Sent Items box. Are
Virgin suffering a server problem or a spam bombardment I wonder?
There was a problem (posted on the site), but they say it's fixed.
Jim on Tyneside UK
Remove X to email me.
Dave (Sgt. Pepper)
2005-02-11 15:09:23 UTC
Post by Jim Scott
Post by Dave (Sgt. Pepper)
What on earth is going on with Virgin's email service today. I'm on
broadband and email is usually very quick. Earlier this morning it took an
age to download a dozen or so emails, and just hung totally at one point.
I've just tried downloading two more and it just froze. A moment ago I
tried sending one and I got a report saying the connection with the server
had been terminated, even though it appears in the Sent Items box. Are
Virgin suffering a server problem or a spam bombardment I wonder?
There was a problem (posted on the site), but they say it's fixed.
Jim on Tyneside UK
Thanks Jim. Well as of a few minutes ago, 3:08 pm, it is still snail pace,
so I think their "fixed" description is a little premature. :o)
Dave (Sgt. Pepper) Epsom, England
Nikon D2H / D100 / Coolpix 5700 / Canon Ixus 400 / Paintshop Pro 8
My photo galleries at http://www.pbase.com/davecq
2005-02-11 17:17:35 UTC
Post by Dave (Sgt. Pepper)
Thanks Jim. Well as of a few minutes ago, 3:08 pm, it is still snail pace,
so I think their "fixed" description is a little premature. :o)
It kept asking for my password earlier then failing to connect,
presumably an authentication problem. All seems well now though.


John Cletheroe
2005-02-11 17:30:34 UTC
Post by t***@hotmail.com
It kept asking for my password earlier then failing to connect,
presumably an authentication problem. All seems well now though.

It does that when it can't connect to the mail server. It makes it seem
that your password is invalid even when it's totally ok. As you've
noticed, as soon as it's back on the air the same password is then accepted.


John Cletheroe
2005-02-11 15:15:01 UTC
What on earth is going on with Virgin's email service today?

There's a Service Announcement about it. They're doing an upgrade. For
me (on 24/Seven) it was unusable this morning. At the moment it's very
slow but just about working.

Dave (Sgt. Pepper)
2005-02-11 15:16:33 UTC
Post by John Cletheroe
What on earth is going on with Virgin's email service today?
There's a Service Announcement about it. They're doing an upgrade. For
me (on 24/Seven) it was unusable this morning. At the moment it's very
slow but just about working.
Thanks John, it's still very slow here at the moment too.
Dave (Sgt. Pepper) Epsom, England
Nikon D2H / D100 / Coolpix 5700 / Canon Ixus 400 / Paintshop Pro 8
My photo galleries at http://www.pbase.com/davecq