!mb Service
(too old to reply)
Trevor Bailey
2005-02-23 22:03:17 UTC
I'm hearing rumours of a 1Mb virgin service currently being trialled -
Anyone using it? If so, what's the performance like - i.e. is it noticably
better than the 512k currently on offer?

I've seen on forums that people are being offered this as a free upgrade if
they threaten to leave Virgin broadband - does this mean that the rest of us
will get a free upgrade at some stage too?
2005-02-24 21:06:46 UTC
After the farcical service that I've experienced for the last 3 days Its
going to take a bit more than that to make me switch to Virgin ADSL. The
weird thing is the sheer number of ISPs with customers who'd like to burn
down their premises. It appears to be the age old British problem where
competition does not result in pressure to improve or even maintain
standards. In the case of Virgin, the service standard now has slipped badly
compared to the standards the same company a few years ago. Even if I
ignore the unreliability there are things like reducing maximum email size,
completely bizarre.
Post by Trevor Bailey
I'm hearing rumours of a 1Mb virgin service currently being trialled -
Anyone using it? If so, what's the performance like - i.e. is it noticably
better than the 512k currently on offer?
I've seen on forums that people are being offered this as a free upgrade if
they threaten to leave Virgin broadband - does this mean that the rest of us
will get a free upgrade at some stage too?
John Cletheroe
2005-02-25 07:19:37 UTC
Post by anon
After the farcical service that I've experienced for the last 3 days Its
going to take a bit more than that to make me switch to Virgin ADSL. The
weird thing is the sheer number of ISPs with customers who'd like to burn
down their premises. It appears to be the age old British problem where
competition does not result in pressure to improve or even maintain
standards. In the case of Virgin, the service standard now has slipped badly
compared to the standards the same company a few years ago. Even if I
ignore the unreliability there are things like reducing maximum email size,
completely bizarre.
Virgin Net customers certainly have had to put up with some serious
problems over the last week or so: incoming email hassles, logging
in/verification failures, and now something which to the user appears as
a failure of the DNS system - you can log in, ping some servers with IP
addresses, but all attempts at accessing servers by their domain names
fail. That last one appears to be intermittent but ongoing. Yesterday on
several occasions I had to log in half a dozen times before it worked.
Extremely annoying when you're trying to get on with something.

Funny thing is, a neighbour trying to set up broadband with BT has been
experiencing exactly the same "DNS" problem. I don't know the people
very well, so I'm not sure whether their problems persist. It may just
be a total coincidence of course.

Talking of coincidences, just before the "DNS" problems started,
Microsoft update KB887742 popped up. So I downloaded and installed it,
then started having the "DNS" problems (coincidence?), noticed the WINS
LMHOSTS option was enabled, disabled it, tried again, worked that time
(coincidence?), so I thought KB887742 had set the LMHOSTS option on and
that was the cause of the problem. Not so! This morning I switched
LMHOSTS back on myself and it's connected first time with no problems.
All of which just goes to show how you can so easily confuse yourself.

Sorry to waffle on.

2007-07-13 16:42:23 UTC
I wrote to them on 13th June saying I was leaving on 15th July giving 32
days notice I was quitting. I have just received a bill, written again and
e-mailed. They admit they got my letter so why hasn't anything happened?
From the e-mail response I suspect the answer is they can't read! I have
cancelled my direct debit already.

Incidentally the BT service I have is supposed to be half the speed of the
Virgin service but runs a lot quicker! It is also more reliable and my
e-mail works most of the time too! Thunder storms seem a problem though!!!

Post by Trevor Bailey
I'm hearing rumours of a 1Mb virgin service currently being trialled -
Anyone using it? If so, what's the performance like - i.e. is it noticably
better than the 512k currently on offer?
I've seen on forums that people are being offered this as a free upgrade if
they threaten to leave Virgin broadband - does this mean that the rest of us
will get a free upgrade at some stage too?